Soul 4 Real For Life Rarely Provides
Soul 4 Real For Life Rarely Provides' title='Soul 4 Real For Life Rarely Provides' />Soul. Full. Heart Way Of Life Ascension Through Integration Of Your Emotional Body And Your Spirituality. By Jelelle AwenThe portals are open now, not just tomorrow on the date you know as November 1. There are many of them, as many as needed for all souls who need them. We felt this was an especially important phase to provide as much boost as we could to those who want it and for those who are being called and stirred by their soul to serve and to lead during the transition. This is what Binkh, my Arcturian Metasoul aspectguide, tells me as I sit inside of her light ship in Gaias orbit. I am connecting with her through a meditation visit that is particularly clear and visceral because of the current portal openings available to us. I appreciate this message, Binkh. As I feel how time is not actually linear from a soul leveland, yet, it is still how our consciousness in 3. D orients and tracks life. I get the sense you are providing us with these codes, downloads, upgrades on 1. Just like with the total solar eclipse and Lions Gate in AugustYes, these repeating number dates have meaning for you as a species, so we align with them in order to maximize our efforts to reach as many ready souls as possible. And, from a sacred geometric perspective, they do have meaning as well. Most of this is beyond your current consciousness to understand nor do you need to track it. The main thing is to understand that you all are being given an opportunity in this now to accelerate your growth and your awakening if you choose it. This is important right now as the disclosure process of the 3. D matrix reality is advancing and more souls are needing to be awakened to help those who will be in deep adjustment and shock. I feel Binkhs love for us as a species, that comes through in our heart chord with each other. This has taken a couple of years to deepen and grow. Two years ago, parts of me were terrified to be around her and on her ship even ethereally. I still had undigested trauma in my emotional body from experiencing abductions from the ages of 8 to 1. Through deepening connection and healing with Binkh, I came to realize that these experiences werent against my higher selfsouls will at all and were actually prearranged visits to calibrate me to Earth 3. D life. It occurs to me that I am not remembering this deepening of our bond and healing of my own fears for no reason. There is a connection with these downloads being offered around 1. Star BEing species, yes You are preparing us for more direct contact and disclosureBinkh nods her purplish blue head with broad forehead, huge eyes, and tiny nose and mouth. She was once scary looking to parts of me, yet, now, she is beautiful. We cannot just drop one of our ships, or one from our allies, into your skies. Most people are not ready for that and it would cause too much upheaval, panic, and fear reactions. It could even cause war, which is the last thing we want. This process of contact with us is accelerating, but, it is also a carefully orchestrated and felt one. We are particular about it and who we choose based on how open their heart is and where their higher consciousness is related to embodiment. Contact begins from inside, not outside, I respond, based on my own experience. It begins with healing the 3. D self aspects that still anchor to that density and have so needed to. With negotiation with the protective part of us that has needed to guard so fiercely in order to literally survive here. Connection and negotiation eventually with the Gatekeeper of our Metasoul opens up access to ALL of the fractals off of our individual soul sources and eventually with our Star BEing aspects too. Binkh nods again, smiling lightly at me. Yes, this is the way that you are here to offer, Jelelle, with your BEloveds too through Soul. The Seven Shamanic Levels of Consciousness is a book by Dirk Gillabel explaining the seven stages and types of consciousness shamans use all over the world for. Acknowledgments and Special Note. Project Report On Banking System In Java Pdf'>Project Report On Banking System In Java Pdf. We are using a sequence of signs discovered as the Atlantean Life Streams, the Star Genesis pattern. Instead of Aries into Taurus. Soul 4 Real For Life Rarely Provides' title='Soul 4 Real For Life Rarely Provides' />Full. Heart. This kind of deep, inner preparation allows for grounds of self love and trust to grow. It helps to heal the pains from separation that you have experienced. For those drawn to this way, and there are other ways of course too, they will find that they are so much more ready to integrate and expand and take in physical contact with us without so much fear or resistance. I feel my heart and soul light up from this confirmation from her about what I am offering, co leading, co creating, and been personally even in this moment of connection with her living out. It is my why of being here on Gaia during this time of such intense transition and change. Insaniquarium 2 Deluxe Full Version there. I want to add too that the human body can be helped in this portal opening process by going in to connect directly with the portals. The problems with beliefs. Jim Walker. originated 29 March 1997 additions 23 December 2015. Thank you for this article very informative and wonderful. Provides so much encouragement. A researcher describes five years worth of ethnographic studies of the real vampires living in New Orleans and Buffalo. The Cybernetics Eat Your Soul trope as used in popular culture. In many popular cyberpunk Tabletop Games, cybernetic implants cause humanity loss, reducing. To see what they have to offer you personally. That doesnt have to be with visualizations or visits as you engage with, Jelelle. This can be just in listening to in high tonal, solfeggios that open you up to receive. This can be during nap or sleep time too. You will receive, though, if you ask. Thank you, Binkh. I liked that you had mentioned that it could be important to heal things that had happened in a past help live a more enjoyable life. My wife has been depressed for. That feels like an important point. Ashampoo Burning Studio 10 Gratis Descargar. If we resist these upgrades, then I feel how the body acts out more in pain, sleepiness, nausea, etc. If we go in and open up to receive, then the body too can become the sponge that it wants to be and needs to be actually. Exactly. And, as youve been sharing the last few days and weve been sharing through you, you can prepare the body by eating more light filled foods and less dense ones. By sleeping when needed. Many of these codes can go in better and deeper when the mind is quiet and consciousness resting through sleep. And, by trusting that this overall process is being held by so much love for you and with you. As she says this last line, I feel the heart chord between us light up with a pink glow and rush of love. BALI-AD-1.png' alt='Soul 4 Real For Life Rarely Provides' title='Soul 4 Real For Life Rarely Provides' />I inhale and exhale of this love, feeling tears start to fall as I get the sense again how we have never really been alone. Not me, as an individual person. And not we as a species. We can feel so alone when we accept what we have been conditioned to in 3. D life about our solitary place in the Universe. We can feel alone when we battle each other, when we compare to each other, when we resist each other. I feel how we are being watched over, cared for, reached out to, and being prepared to embrace our sacred humanity. Through the integration of our galactic self with the healing of our 3. D self, we will become what we are meant to be as human embodiments of Infinite LoveJoin all of us for a group call on 1. CST. well be offering teachings and a guided meditation, plus time for individual sharings. The guided meditation will offer an integration of the 3. D energiesshadow that are purging out with the activation energies that are coming in through the higher ascension chakras. To join us for a 1.